Over ons

I found myself in the deepest low of my life.

My relationship ended, and it was a total reality check - as if I had to start all over again.

The negative spiral I was stuck in, was real.

Fortunately, this happened 3 months after I was introduced to Kendama back in 2016.

Not only was I wrecked personally, but I had been terrible at Kendama for days… weeks… MONTHS.

I didn’t understand how to play Kendama and couldn’t focus on trying a trick for even half a minute.

Each time I played, I wanted to give up.

After finally nailing the basics - BOOM - my inner fire lit up and I realized Kendama could would completely change my life. 

Since then I never lost this inner knowing AND I started to land those big milestones like Whirlwind and Lunar Flip.

Learning and mastering tricks allowed me to reflect and see my problems. 

Before Kendama, I was overrun with limiting beliefs, social anxiety, low confidence, and even lower self-worth.

With repetitive practice, I overcame challenges with Kendama and then integrated those lessons into other aspects of my life.

The more I got into Kendama and got to know the Kendama community, I became hooked.

Things started to change drastically: my mood and mindset radically improved, I met new people, I learned new tricks and developed my focus through them. 

That sense of knowing that you found something that will stick with you (as long as you stick with it), is an exhilarating feeling. 

Finding Kendama has become a catalyst for realizing my own potential.

I fully believe if change is possible for me, it’s possible for anyone.

Change brings opportunity, and that came my way when I made the decision to join Joris Schweppe with Kendama Senses.

Fast forward a few short years, and it’s been a hell of a journey.

Not only have I progressed as a player, I’ve since become the sole owner of the Senses shop.

My ultimate vision is to build a thriving community around Kendama. One that inspires play as a means of self-discovery. 

This brand will always provide a carefully curated catalog of products, personalized service, and reliable educational resources for every unique Kendama player in Europe.

We will constantly adapt and evolve to serve your individual needs.

To improve your Kendama Life, our content channels are ripe with valuable information to help shift your perspective and progress.

If you’re in search of the next ‘dama, ask us ANY questions and receive the perfect Kendama for you–or we’ll send you a new one! 

I’d love to hear about your journey with Kendama, and the challenges you’ve overcome. DM me @kendamasenses anytime.

Unlock your potential,
Jordi van Velzen

Jordi met de Kendama Senses Shop tijdens een Evenement

Leer ons kennen, onze values:

  1. Self-discovery drives us.
    Get to know yourself and your life transforms. Endlessly.
    We have eaten the juicy fruits of our journey on self-discovery and are committed to continuing this! Playing Kendama reveals our hidden abilities, guiding our transformation.

  2. Passion generates energy.
    /ˈpaʃ(ə)n/ : strong and barely controllable emotion.
    Experiencing passion means you’re alive! It’s a compass of where we want to go and why. We experience a strong urge to better the world by inspiring to reconnect ourselves! Unplug from the mainstream.

  3. Community builds the game.
    Collectively joined self-discovery journeys become infinitely more powerful. Our root lies within the Kendama community and we dedicate ourselves to build, support and sustain it.

  4. Health is our foundation.
    Health is holistic. Physical, mental, and spiritual. Collective and individual. We are committed to taking care of ourselves so it becomes a positive ripple effect!

  5. Take back your authority.
    We empower ourselves to become responsible for the outcome of a better world - to change and preserve humanity. We embrace freedom by following our moral compass to make our own rules.


Kendama Senses biedt een platform waar mensen binnen en rondom Nederland terecht kunnen voor alles wat met Kendama te maken heeft. Nu biedt zij hoogwaardige producten zoals Kendama's die anders lastig in Nederland te verkrijgen zijn en benodigdheden die elke Kendama speler nodig heeft. Het is opgericht door spelers, door de passie voor het spel. Erkennend dat de passie voor het spel behouden blijft zolang de essentie niet vergeten wordt: Het genieten van het leren van nieuwe trucs.

Jordi van Velzen is eigenaar en meldt het volgende:

Jordi van Velzen Kendama Senses

"Opgroeien in Nederland was voor mij erg verwarrend en ik zie dat dit voor veel medespelers hetzelfde is. Vooral voelen dat je een doel hebt en werk doen dat je echt zint ontbreekt bij veel mensen. Kendama heeft mij een weg geboden voor zelfontwikkeling en aarding. Nu probeer ik het bedrijf als een gereedschap te gebruiken om mijn nieuw gevonden energie te verspreiden en zo op een passende manier mijn brood te verdienen. De verwarring die ik in mijn jeugd ervaarde zie ik terug in de problemen op deze aarde die de mens ondervindt. Een fundamenteel probleem is het gebrek aan samenwerking, als we elkaars belangen inzien en elkaar helpen deze belangen te realiseren, beginnen we samen oplossingen te zoeken. Ik denk dat we een sterke community kunnen zijn die veel goede eigenschappen bezit en ik wil Kendama Senses gebruiken om dit te bevorderen. Binnen de community wil ik de talenten kansen kunnen geven om een mooiere toekomst voor zichzelf te creëeren."