NotForKids - Grunt Kendama Newlaced Kendama

NotForKids - Grunt

Regular price€59,99
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  • Packed and shipped Tuesdays and Fridays
  • Shipped all around the world
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
Tama size 62.0 mm
Clearcoat Sticky clear
Tama Woodtypes Beech
Ken Shape NLK - Grunt
Ken Woodtypes Maple
Basecup hole in Ken? Yes

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New Laced Kendama presents the NotForKids (NFK) Grunt!

Ever since NAKO 2022 when our paths crossed, we knew NLKxNFK was the future. Getting our shape in the hands of the Krew was an instant win, as well as us catching vibes off the NFK edits and watching our Damas get passed around to winners/losers of Pink Slips that weekend. Once that fated weekend was over, we got our heads together and started planning the vision.

To start, we knew we had to get the tama artwork correct. We started with a rough concept of this dark font, scrawling all around the top of the tama saying “NotForKids” and “New Laced Kendama” - but we knew we wanted to have a unique and eye catching look to it. To achieve such a result, we took our ideas over to @coffin_nachtmahr of OhYesYo to get us a hand painted starting point. After digitizing the full-scale painting, we took things to the lab and made our adjustments with color and sizing for the tama. Here before you is the end result! Ultimate tracking with a red ring around the bevel and matching top dot/logo to make sure you catch every spike, while looking cool doing it. Throw it on a 62mm Beech tama so that your stalls catch like nobody’s business, and the tama is complete. 

Once our tama art was finalized (as well as the collaborative NF/LK logo seen on the handle), the next step was the specifics of the ken. With NFK’s branding as dark as it is, we knew to go with a darker splice of wood instead of a solid construction ken. Lucky for us, we have access to a pitch-black Spectra Ply that created the perfect aesthetic for this setup. Adding some additional weight in the Sarado, this chunky middle stripe through the cups will keep you landing lunars more than NASA. With a slight modification to the Grunt shape, the base cup has also since been slightly rounded to prevent chipping and ensure your taps smack right where they need to. The fan favorite Grunt, just a bit more grown up.

NFK is For The Players, and so are we here at New Laced Kendama. This is a Players Dama if we ever made one, and we’re so eager to get this out into all your hands. Stay Laced, play every day, and NEVER GROW UP! 

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